Camping Australie cote est de Cairns à Sydney
Camping australie cote est guide ! Été composé par notre équipe mais aussi grâce aux retours de nos voyageurs : leurs idées, tuyaux qui leurs ont permis de passer les meilleures vacances possibles. Résultat : une longue liste de sites de camping gratuits qui vous permettra d’économiser de l’argent pendant votre voyage !!
Camper est l’un des meilleur moyen pour découvrir un pays et avoir une expérience unique lors d’un voyage. Ceci est particulièrement vrai lorsque l’on parle de l’Australie, pays aussi riches en merveilles naturelles qu’en activités sportives/culturelles. Ces campings gratuits peuvent vous permettre d’économiser pour que vous pussiez ensuite profiter d’un saut en parachute ou bien d’un safari dans le Outback. Grâce à cette liste, vous aurez une alternative aux campings payants le long de la Côte Est Australienne.
Campings Gratuits
Une des question les plus fréquentes qu’un voyageur Travelwheels nous pose est ” Comment économiser lorsque l’on voyage en Australie?”
Les voyageurs de la Côte Est Australienne se posent régulièrement les questions suivantes
- Combien coûte les campings en Australie?
- Y a t’il des endroits pour camper gratuitement ?
- Comment puis-je trouver les campings qui sont gratuits?
- Y a t’il des aires gratuits pour les campervans, le long de la côte Est?
Combien coûte un site de camping en Australie?
Pour les voyageurs qui veulent explorer l’Australie dans ses moindres recoins, louer un campervan est la meilleures des solutions. En Australie, vous pourrez du coup trouver énormément de sites de campings. Les tarifs varient de $5 à $35 la nuit et par personnes, aïe !!!! Les sites à $5 sont très souvent les campings des parcs nationaux avec très peu de commodités et dont la fameuse Thunderbox : la cabane au fond du jardin (comme dirait notre amis Francis) mais la version australienne !!!! On peut aussi les appeler “dunny” ou “green pooper”. Surtout ne buvez pas l’eau du camping et faite en sorte d’avoir toujours une réserve d’eau dans le van. Par contre, vous pourrez du coup lavez vos vêtements et vos plats 🙂 !!!
Vous pourrez trouver beaucoup de campings avec plus d’équipements, installations, mais aux les alentours des villes. Bien sur, le tarif dépend des installations que le camping propose : électricité, machines à laver, cuisine, piscines,… . Par contre, l’emplacement du camping joue aussi beaucoup dans le tarif. Si vous chercher un camping aux alentours d’un sites touristique, vous devrez alors payer le prix fort !!!
Mais si votre priorité est d’économiser le plus possible, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser les campings gratuits pour campervans. Aussi, n’oubliez pas que vous pouvez aussi vous garer sur les aires d’autoroutes.
Ou trouver un camping gratuit?
En utilisant les campings gratuits, vous pouvez du coup économiser beaucoup !!! Par contre, il n’y en a pas partout. Où les trouver ?
L’équipe Travelwheels vous recommande une super application Wiki Camps Australia. Cette une appli gratuite pour Android, iOS et Windows est gratuite les 21 premiers jours ensuite, la version “essai” expire. La version complète coûte seulement $5. A Travelwheels, quand l’équipe voyage, nous utilisons tous cette appli.
L’appli Wiki Camps Australia vous offre un large choix de logements payants et gratuits dans toute l’Australie. Aussi, vous y trouverez les avis et commentaires des autres voyageurs qui se déplacent aussi en vans, le long de la Côte Est Australienne. En plus d’énumerer les noms et emplacements des sites de campings, vous aurez la description de toutes les installations disponibles.
Si vous préférez voyager sans être sur votre téléphone à chaque instants pour trouver les meilleurs endroits, nous vous recommandons alors le livre Camps Australia Wide . C’est exactement le même principe que l’application, mais en livre.

Campings gratuits de Cairns à Sydney
A propos des campings gratuits le long de la Côte Est Australienne entre Cairns et Sydney. Petit rappel, Il s’agit de l’itinéraire le plus emprunter avec un van de location, en Australie, du coup vous pouvez y trouver de nombreux sites de campings.
Campings gratuits à Cairns et ses alentours, quelques bons plans de la part de notre équipe basée à Cairns. Grâce à sa proximité avec la Grande Barrière de Corail et l’incroyable réserve naturelle “Cape Tribulation”, vous ne trouverez pas beaucoup de campings abordables aux alentours de Cairns. Notre équipe de location de Cairns s’est renseignée pour vous à propos des campings gratuits ou à moindre coûts. Nous avons trouvez quelques supers endroits que l’on vous recommande vivement. Grâce à ces emplacements, vous pourrez économiser sur hébergement et vous permettre plus d’activités things to do in Cairns .
Campings gratuits à Cairns et ses alentours
Dans les alentours du dépôt de Travelweels à Cairns, vous trouverez une quarantaine de site de camping gratuit ou d’aire de repos. Beaucoup sont sommaires, sans douches ou eau potable. Par contre, certains ont des vues incroyables ou alors sont les parfaits campings gratuits que l’on recherche !!!! Passez-y la nuit et ensuite, le jour suivant, aller explorer les environs avec le van. N’oubliez pas que grâce à l’un de nos campervan pour aurez la possibilité de visiter les moindres recoins de la Côte Est Australienne et de décider combien de temps vous souhaitez passer dans ses endroits.
L’aire de repos “Rifle Creek Rest Area” à coté de Port Douglas
Rifle Creek Rest Area, Wetherby Rd, Mount Molloy QLD 4871, est un super emplacement pour une nuit tranquille et seulement à une demie heure de Port Douglas. Ce n’est pas seulement un super emplacement, vous bénéficiez également de douches avec eau chaude, d’un espace pour allumer un feu et des sentiers de randonnées. Vous pouvez y rester maximum 2 jours pour seulement $2. C’est l’un des meilleur endroit pour commencer le trip de Cairns à Sydney.
Terrain de camping “Rocky Creek War Memorial”
Rocky Creek War Memorial Campground est situé sur l’autoroute Kennedy Highway à Tolga QLD 4882. De la, le plateau “Atherton Tablelands” au sud de Cairns est un des endroit à ne pas louper. Voici le lien pour les infos surle plateau : Atherton Tableland’s travel tips.
Camper gratuitement sur la côte Est de l’Australie près de Mission Beach
Mission Beach est une des plus belles plages à voir lors d’un voyage dans la rainforest australienne. Un saut en parachute vous offrira une vue incroyable sur la grande barrière de corail et la Daintree Rainforest et vous pouvez atterrir sur la magnifique plage de Mission beach!
Il y a plusieurs campings près de Mission Beach mais rien qui puisse épargner votre portefeuille! Si vous cherchez où camper gratuitement, ce n’est pas chose aisée! Voici quelques alternatives qui peuvent vous aider à épargner votre argent!
Mena Creek Hotel
Mena Creek Hotel est situé à 15mn en voiture de Innisfail et à 45 mn de Mission Beach. C’est un tres bon endroit pour s’arrêter apres avoir voyagé dans les Atherton Tablelands! Le terrain de camping, situé derriere le pub, est pour l’instant en re-construction. Il n’est pas encore possible de savoir si ce terrain restera accessible.
Bilyana Rest Area
La Bilyana Rest Area est située sur la Bruce Highway, 40 minutes au sud de Mission Beach. Certains voyageurs indiquent que de temps en temps un fermier passe par là et y laisse des fruits et legumes! C’est un parfait exemple de ce à quoi on on peut s’attendre dans un terrain de camping gratuit sur la côte est de l’Australie.
Ashton Hotel
The Ahston Hotel se situe au 9 Haberman Rd à Long Pocket, près de Hinchinbrook Island, très populaire pour sa superbe vue! Visitez les cascades Wallaman pas très loin et laissez-vous portez par l’eau!
Avant de vous arrêtez à l’Hotel Aston, rendez-vous au restaurant. Il est souvent apprécié et recommandé de soutenir l’économie locale en prenant une bière ou un repas quand le terrain de camping est gratuit!
Campings gratuits sur la côte Est de l’Australie
Entre Ingham et la region de Townsville, vous pourrez trouver pleins d’endroits gratuits où vous pourrez rester avec votre van. Voici les meilleures options:
Crystal Creek Huts et Camping
Le Crystal Creek Huts and Camping (Barrligie Road à Mutarnee), au nord de Townsville, a des emplacements ombragés près de la plage et donne accès aux alentours de Crystal Creek. N’oubliez pas d’emporter vos déchets avec vous car il n’y a pas de poubelles sur ce terrain de camping!
Balgal Beach North
Hot shower, drinking water, free BBQ and a beautiful beach! All this can be found at the Balgal Beach North campsite. This free camping on East Coast Australia site is located on the bank of Balgal Beach, about 5 km off the Bruce Highway and the town Rolling Stone. We recommend to be there before 4 o’clock, otherwise the good places might be occupied and you have to carry on finding another free campsite in your campervan.
Saunders Beach
Saunders Beach Campsite at 2 Reef Street in Saunders Beach, is located right on the beach! The warm shower installation is surpassed only by the magnificent views. A must for anybody looking for the perfect free camping on East Coast Australia! The locals also appreciate their beautiful place, so you can only park for a maximum of 48 hours to make it fair for all campervan rental customers on the East Coast.
Free camping on East Coast Australia – BP Gas station in Townsville!!
Those looking for free camping grounds on the East Coast should check out BP gas station in Townsville! You might say why stay at a petrol station, are you crazy? The rest area is free, and especially relevant is the fact they have shower you can use for $5. Most noteworthy is the fact they also have free Wifi at the petrol Station! Why not stay here for free wifi, shower and it’s another free place to park your campervan on the East Coast! This way you can continue your trip the next day fresh and clean with a full tank and new supplies.
Home Hill Comfort Stop
This is the last free camping on East Coast Australia before Bowen and Airlie Beach with a hot shower. A 90 minute recharge of electrical appliances costs $2 only and the use of washer and dryer $4 each. While you are waiting you can even get a cheap drink for a gold coin. You can find the Home Hill Comfort Stop at Eighth Ave in Home Hill.
Free camping on East Coast Australia by Airlie Beach
Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays are a very popular destination in Australia. Cheap or free campsites for your Campervan rental holiday are rare around here! Nevertheless, we have found a few possibilities for a cheap place to park up your campervan at these camping sites:
BP Petrol Station
This place is located at the Bruce Highway in Bloomsbury, about an hour south of Airlie Beach. As with the petrol station in Townsville, you can spend the night for free here. The shower costs only $1 for 2min, so you best be quick here!
The Leap Hotel
The Leap or the Leap Hotel which is located at 1959 Bruce Highway is another option for anybody looking for free camping on East Coast Australia. It’s just a short stroll away from Mackay, another beautiful tourist destination. It is a small campsite and it is much appreciated to buy a “Thank you” beer or a meal at the pub in front of it. The showers cost $2.50 and are apparently very clean and well maintained.
Free camping between Rockhampton and Hervey Bay
Rockhampton is used by many travellers as a place to stock up with supplies for your campervan rental holiday, and then head off somewhere else! Not many travelwheels campervan hire customers said they spend much time exploring the city of Rockhamption. Normally it’s either for shopping or visiting the tropic of Capricorn which cuts through Rockampton. Hervey Bay, on the other hand, is the gateway to Fraser Island, the largest sand island in the world!
Kabra Hotel
If you are looking for another free camping on East Coast Australia, then why not park up your campervan at Kabra Hotel. You can spend the night at the Kabra Hotel campsite, 1232 Capricorn Hwy in Kabra, for free, but in addition they kindly ask you buy something from the pub. The showers cost $ 2.50, and this is a cheap way to find a campsite in Australia for your campervan.
Calliope River Rest Area
Calliope River Rest Area is on the Old Bruce Highway in River Ranch. The campsite can be accessed from both sides of the river and offers a beautiful view as well as a great starting point for visiting Gladstone.
Boyne River Rest Area
The Boyne River Rest Area at 48746 Bruce Highway in Benaraby. This free camping on East Coast Australia site is located just off the road and can get quite crowded at times. This is a great example of free campground from Cairns to Sydney and has toilets and showers available. Before or after your stay you can explore Gladstone which is right beside a lovely river. The main attractions are Auckland Hill, The Round Hill Lookout and the beautiful Mount Larcom. A little further south you come across the village Seventeen Seventy, a hidden gem among the Australian highlights.
Yandaran Hotel
Just before Bunderberg, at 23 Main Street in Yandaran, is the Yandaran Hotel. Again you can park your campervan for free and spend the night here if you spend a little something in the restaurant. Showers are available and cost between $ 2.50 and $5. The next day you can explore Bunderberg and its famous rum distillery.
Free camping on East Coast Australia – Apple Tree Creek Reset Area
The Apple Tree Creek Reset Area at 26-34 Drummond Street in Apple Tree Creek. This is the last free camping on East Coast Australia with a toilet before Hervey Bay and the ferry to Fraser Island. Since it is located right on the road, the traffic can be a bit noisy at times, but the toilets should be clean. These small stops are classic places to stop for anybody driving along the east coast of Australia and on a tight budget. It maybe not be the most beautiful free camping area, but you will be able to park your campervan here overnight for free!
Free camping on East Coast Australia at the Sunshine Coast
North of the Sunshine Coast you will find lots of opportunities for free camping on East Coast Australia. Once you head south it will be more difficult to find free camping and places to park your campervan. However, there are some camping grounds located further away from the main attractions of the east coast. For the Sunshine Coast, a stay of several days is recommended. Be smart and plan where you want to stay in advance. This way you can put your valuable time to good use exploring Australia instead of looking for last minute campsites.
Ross Creek Store
Ross Creek Store at 1460 Tin Can Bay Road in Groomboorian is the best place for local pies and fresh eggs! You can grab free camping on East Coast Australia here and park your campervan on a beautiful grassy area. Then jump out of your travelwheels campervan and go straight to the big chicken stall to watch the happy hens! You will have an opportunity to buy some of their eggs for a delicious breakfast. Toilets are available, unfortunately they don’t have any showers. Another plus point for this free campervan friendly campsite is that for a fee of just $1 you get a power socket for an hour to charge 4 devices at the same time.
Puma Kybong Rest Area & Information Center
This free camping on East Coast Australia spot is adjacent to the Bruce Highway in Kybong and is located right at the information center. The place is ideal for bird lovers and the mascot Matilda, a huge kangaroo, can also be visited. Showers cost $3 and toilets are clean and free.
Jowarra Park Area
The “Jowarra Park Area” is probably the closest free camping on East Coast Australia to the Sunshine Coast, and unfortunately can get overcrowded. You will find the rest area 500 meters after the Landsborough Exit on the highway. There are no showers or drinking water here and consequently we would like to remind you to dispose your own rubbish correctly. The green park is ideal for a night out in the open air in your Travelwheels Campervan Hire van.
Free camping on East Coast Australia in Brisbane area
If you need a free campground for your campevan in Brisbane, the search is usually a bit harder. We recommend to sleep outside the city and then use the day to explore Brisbane’s city center.
Wyllie Park
North of Brisbane, at 10 Gympie Road in Petrie you can find Wyllie Park. Toilets, drinking water, BBQ stands and mobile phone reception are available. However, a stay of more than 48 hours is not allowed. This is a good and more importantly free camping on East Coast Australia spot relatively close to Brisbane.
Tully Memorial Park
If you leave Brisbane in search of free camping on East Coast Australia, we suggest heading southwards via the Mount Lindsey Highway. Take the Greenbank Road exit and turn left onto Beryl Parade. This way you will find your way directly to the next free place to park your campervan. The free place to park up has toilets, and in addition here is a link to the Tully Memorial Park.
Hugh Muntz Park
At Reisers Road in Beenleigh is another free camping space for your campervan for up to 72 hours. The supermarket, Woolworth is less than just 2 minutes away. A quick stop here for the ingredients needed for a perfect BBQ. It should also be noted that this is the last free camping on East Coast Australia before Surfers Paradise. There are no free campsites near the Gold Coast.
Free camping on East Coast Australia Byron Bay and surroundings
Byron Bay is known for some of the best surf spots in the world. Parachuting jumps are also one of the most popular activities in the region! Make sure you have a little extra time to get the most out of your stay! Please be careful in and around Byron Bay when looking for free camping on East Coast Australia. The local council are ferocious when it comes to handing out parking tickets for illegal campervan parking! Watch out for signs banning no overnight camping within the city limits. As a rule, this is once place where we do not suggest looking for free camping on East Coast Australia in Byron itself.
Yelgun Rest Area
This is one of the places we recommend to our customers looking for free camping on East Coast Australia. Yelgun rest area at the Brunswick Valley Way in Ocean Shores. There are clean toilets and barbecues, and the rest area is bigger than you might guess. Again, we encourage to come early in the afternoon to still snag a seat as consequently this is a popular free camping spot on the East Coast close to Byron.
Truck Rest Area
Spacious rest area with clean toilets are not a rarity in Australia. If you travel from north to south you will find another free camping on East Coast Australia spot on the Pacific Highway in West Ballina.
Wardell Truck Stop & Rest Area
This simple rest area is located right on Pacific Highway in Wardell. Toilets are available and with Telstra you should also have a good mobile reception.
Free camping on East Coast Australia between Ballina and Coffs Harbor
On the route from the Gold Coast to Coffs Harbor, you will find free camping on East Coast Australia areas along the highway. We have found the only one with a shower for you:
Halfway Creek Shell Roadhouse
4974 Pacific Highway in Halfway Creek is the address for this pitch. The petrol station is open 24 hours a day and offers a shower for $4.
Free camping on East Coast Australia Coffs Harbor to Port Macquarie
Coffs Harbor is famous for the “Big Banana”, one of the famous giant statues. Here is a link about Australia’s “Big Things“. Port Macquarie is the perfect place to watch koalas in Australia’s oldest koala hospital. In addition, we recommend exploring the rainforest tree tops at the Sea Acres Nature Reserve.
Burdett Park – football field
The football field at Waterfall Way in Fernmont is a great area for a quiet night. The park is nice, the locals friendly and the toilets clean. A small donation of $2 is requested for free camping on East Coast Australia at Burdett Park.
Willawarrin Campdraft & Recreation Reserve
A little further inland, on Main Street in Willawarrin, you will find a very quiet campsite. The sign postings are not optimal, but if you see the Carlton Draught Hotel, you will find a small dirt road on the opposite side. Here you get to a large grassy area next to a rodeo facility, where you can find 3 sites with power supply. Toilets are clean and also provide power to recharge your electrical appliances. It should be noted that there can be many spiders at times.
Rest Area
Next to the Pacific Highway in a town called Telegraph Point, there is another free campsite. This rest area is located next to a river and an ideal starting point for a kayak trip upriver. There is no shower, however, the toilets are clean and the environment nice.
Free campsites in Port Stephens and surroundings
On the way from Port Macquarie to Port Stephens you can find some free camping on East Coast Australia route along the highway. The area is very nice and we recommend exploring the coast.
In Port Stephens, it is worth taking a multi-day stop. Here you can ride with camels through the desert, slide down giant dunes with a sandboard and go on a boat trip to visit the capital of dolphins. There are over 140 dolphins that live in the bay!
Glenthorne Truck Stop
Keep your eyes open on the Old Pacific Highway and stop at the Glenthorne Truck Stop when searching for free camping on East Coast Australia. Free hot showers, clean toilets and free wifi at McDonalds! What more could you wish for as a backpacker?
Bulahdelah Lions Park & Bulahdelah Golf Club
For a $ 2 donation, you can camp right next to the river while enjoying the sunset. The toilets are a little further away, but the view is worth it. If the campsite is already fully occupied, there is the Bulahdelah Golf Club just around the corner at Recovery Road. There you can get a hot shower for $5, too.
Rest area at the river
446A Tarean Road in Karuah is located right at the river next to a bridge. The cold beach shower is public and free of charge, and during the day you can see a lot of pelicans. From here you can easily get to Hawks Nest and Nelson Bay.
Free camping in Sydney for campervans
This is the 1 million dollar question – Where can I find free camping in Sydney? It is impossible to find a free campground in the center of the city. We have however found a few nice rest areas and campsites in the surrounding area.
Wheeny Creek
1121 Comoleroy Road in Kurrajong offers you a free camping on East Coast Australia near Sydney. The toilets are not outstanding, however the area is nice for small hikes and the campground is only 1 hour and 15 minutes from Sydney.
Swallow Rock Reach Walking Trail
Close to a beautiful hiking trail and next to the oldest church in Australia, the Ebenezer Church, there is a free possibility to park your campervan and stay the night. Hopefully, you will not be afraid of ghosts, because the cemetery of Ebenezer Church is just around the corner 🙂 – 115 Coromandel Road, Ebenezer.
Partridge VC Reast Area
Directly at the Hume Motorway in Menangle is a car park that can be used as a campground. Access only if you drive from the north to the south. Toilets are available, but not the cleanest. From here you only need an hour to the center of Sydney.
Pheasants Nest Service Center
Also located on the Hume Highway you will find a service station in Pheasant Nest. This rest area is slightly further south than Partridge VC Rest Area, but still close to Sydney.
Free camping between Cairns and Sydney
As you can see it is quite possible to travel from Cairns to Sydney on your campervan hire holiday on the East Coast of Australia in a camper van with a small budget. We ask you, however, to consider your environment and your neighbors. Clear up behind you! Many free camping on East Coast Australia are closing down annually, because travellers leave their rubbish, and make a right mess! Therefore local councils then impose strict no free camping on East Coast Australia signs or completely close down these free campervan campsites!
Free campsites for campervan hire holidays, locals, and travellers can not exist if nobody takes care of them and follows simple rules. Support small towns with a $ 2 donation when prompted and or buy a snack to support local businesses. Thus, this free service of free camping on East Coast Australia will continued to be enjoyed by everyone visiting Australia.
Travel from Cairns to Sydney
Travelwheels offers a range of free route planners for the East Coast. Check out our website and find a free guide for your perfect adventure trip in Australia. Here some examples:
- Cairns to Sydney Trip Planner
- Sydney to Cairns Trip Planner
- Free Things to do in Cairns
- Best things to do in New South Wales
For further questions, please feel free to contact us at any time and send an e-mail to [email protected]. For a personal meeting with our multilingual team you can come to our office in Sydney or call us on +61412766616. We speak Deutsch and Français and are more than happy to help you having a wonderful time in Australia.
Si tu cherches à louer un van pas cher en Australie, entres tes dates ci-dessous. Notre prix comparatif de prix te donnera les meilleurs tarifs de location de van en Australie. Le site est en français, il t’est donc très facile de trouver le meilleur deal pour ta location de van.